Color Design Project

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I started with a black, white, and gray design based around letters. That’s a re-design of a previous project on destructuring text.

Based on the black and white design, I just started painting based on colors!

1. complementary with red green, four colors with yellow red blue violet, and neutrals with a redish-brown, mustard-yellow, and a dark-violet.

2. Because the base of my design is letter shapes, I wanted to emphasize those shapes through color. I tried to use lighter colors for the letter shapes and darker colors for the “background”. For the four color image with yellow, I found the yellow to be almost distractingly bright, so I used very little of it as an accent in lines that move the eye around the piece. In general, I tried to have high contrast between neighboring colors to prevent them from bleeding into each other to increase readability. Either the colors are complementary, or the tint was extreme.



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