Tag: Art125A 2D Design
Lighter by yung pueblo book cover redesign
For our final project in CCSF Art125A 2D Design with Claire Brees, we redesigned some cover for some other art media. For example, movie posters, album covers, book covers. I chose lighter by yung pueblo. Observations Very silly busy. Too many book quotes in the back. Long quote on cover. Sticker. Then there’s a lot…
Design Analysis in Real Life
I picked up “Be a Revolution” by Ijeoma Oluo from SFPL and absolutely hate the cover for so many reasons. First, lets’ talk about the stuff the library put on top of the book . They covered the author’s name with the barcode sticker and like 1/4 of the title with the “Lucky Day” sticker.…
Color Design Project
I started with a black, white, and gray design based around letters. That’s a re-design of a previous project on destructuring text. Based on the black and white design, I just started painting based on colors! 1. complementary with red green, four colors with yellow red blue violet, and neutrals with a redish-brown, mustard-yellow, and…
Techniques for painting with acrylic
Acrylic is basically glue and pigment. If it’s left exposed to air, it’ll dry hard. You can peel it off but not off clothes. Store brushes and tools in water. Add retardant to prevent drying. Leave in a pile rather than smeared to prevent drying. Colors like yellow, orange, and yellow-green can be almost transparent.…
Playing with colors
I’ve always struggled with differentiating colored because I interpret them differently. I’m red green color blind, as are about 9% of men or 1% of women. I’ve struggled with all the little different colors throughout the spectrum and how to actually label them. But working on building these colors out of the primaries really helped…
Destructuring Text
Make a design using text as an element, but not for information. 1 what attracted you to the text you chose to use for this project, and why (what is your inspiration or starting point of the design)? It’s my name: Mark! I just kept playing with those letters, seeing how they could fit together.…
Intuitive Colors
We worked in class with some basic intuition of colors. This was our first time using colors in this class so we had some good foundation on design, but never with color. Lots of fun! Lots of cool designs all around.
Working with Textures
For our 2-D design class, we started working with textures, trying to incorporate them into our designs. Three of us brought in a bunch of pictures and materials to cut out into a design and this is what we came up with.
Figure-Ground Reversal with Black, White, and Gray
This project continues the figure-ground reversal project, but with a third color. I really struggled with this project, trying to combine organic lines in a three color layering that would evoke figure-ground reversal. I fell back to Claire Brees’ advice to fall back to a grid, and made a grid of black, white and gray.…
Figure-Ground Reversal with Black and White
For my 2D design class, we needed to make a design that focused on “figure/ground reversal”. The black and the white have to reverse as to which is on top or the shapes of focus. You should be able to look around the design and wonder, “is this black on white, or white on black?”…